Thursday, September 3, 2009

I am the OROS lady this weight gain issue is really starting to get me down. I got on the scale this morning and I am 2 kilos heavier than I was last Wednesday. How the f…k it happened I don’t know. Maybe its water retention – now that the weather is warming up. I do have a cankle (it’s my previously broken one though), so I do know that I am retaining water BUT STILL MAN!!!!

And the thing is I was actually feeling ok last week. I had only put on one kilo since my last antenatal check up the month before. Now this… and the injustice of it all is that I don’t even eat a lot. I am acutely aware of how the kilos can pack on in pregnancy. I was a house when I was pregnant with Cameron. I don’t want to be like that again and I have been extremely careful about what I eat. Yes a treat now and then but I am watching myself very carefully and I most certainly DO NOT east for two. And yet, here I am ballooning to epic proportions once again. I can just see that I am going to wack on in excess of 20 kilos just like last time.

It’s just so unfair. So many pregnant women I know just eat whatever they want – ice cream, cakes – you name it. And they put on ten kilos. I have already put on 12 and I still have three months to go.

Why does it always seem like I have to swim upstream? I try so hard and yet I put on the weight. Yes I know weight gain is inevitable in pregnancy and I am one of the unluckier ones. What I am most afraid of is that it won’t come off again when this is all over.

I feel like crawling into a hole.


  1. I am so sorry you gaining weight you were hoping not to this pregnancy as well.

    It sounds like water retention, not that that actually helps at all. But maybe your babies need you to have extra padding to give them the support they need?

    But you managed to loose it last time, so the chances that you will loose it again this time are very high.

    I can understand your frustrations though. Especially since you not eating much. It doesn't seem fair does it.

    I know this doesn't help you at all, but I am on the other side of the coin and it is totally freaking me out too, Ok I don't eat sweets and cakes cause of my hypoglycemia, but I eat healthy and feel like I am eating more, but nothing I do, including drinking stupid yukky protein drinks over and above my meals, is helping me gain and it is totally frustrating! How is my tummy growing and baby growing if I am not gaining??? Grrrr!

    Guess either of is happy with weight on either side of the coin?

  2. Hey hun, don't be to hard on yourself. Unfortunately weight gain is part of this package. Just enjoy your pregnancy and don't stress about the small things. As long as baba is okay!
